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Shop now1: Golis Telecom (GOLIS)
3: Telesom (ZAAD)
4: Hormuud Telecom (EVC PLUS)
5: Somnet Telecom (JEEB)
Sendding Money GOLIS SAHAL To Mohamed Cali Ahmed
*884*0907728369*money# Then Enter your PIN
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This number is 0907728369 in the Name
Mohamed Cali Ahmed
Sendding Money ZAAD To Mohamed Cali Ahmed
*883*0907728369*money# Then Enter your PIN
Remittance EVC HORMUUD To ohamed Cali Ahmed
*789*0907728369*money# Then Enter your PIN
Sendding Money JEB SOMNET To Mohamed Cali Ahmed
*818*907728369*money# Then Enter your PIN
Legal and Terms of Service and Customer You must submit accurate information
1: Exact Phone Number You Have 2: Your full name written on your numberbr 3: You must write the city or state you are in and the district or neighborhood you are in
If you send money from Number Don't Have Or Mother's Or father Number Your service has been cancelled The money is withheld until further notice
1: If you order a service, you must submit a correct game id and name 2: You must pay for your service by following the Payment Section 3: Your Service Will Then Wait To Verify Your Order And Details Are Correct 4: When your correct service is checked, you will be served as soon as possible, God willing. 5: Your service will take between 10 minutes and 1 hour if the service is full or there is no error.
There are no refunds if you send money and your order is shipped If You Send Money And Order A Service That Is Not Delivered Or Serviced You Will Get Your Money Back For more details related to the online chat section OR call the company's phone number 0907728369 Company Management Hayaan Tech Online Shop Mohamed Ali Ahmed.
1: Registration Error 2: If no one submits, the name and number do not match 3: To send money from a person's number, for example, mother's number or father's number 3: to order a service without sending money and returning it several times